Stephanie Nasteff

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New Found Loves: A Mingling of Photography and Haiku

Over the past few years, I have been increasingly interested in precisely capturing a moment in a single image or in the 3 line constraint of a Haiku poem.  In this post, you'll find 11 poems and corresponding images. Not all of the poems were directly inspired by the image that you see here. But, a number of the pairings were 2 reflections of a single story. The joy that I have found in the discovery of these two art forms is pure and simple. Both mediums give me the immediate satisfaction of a story well told.  


He is just too loud In the night when he sounds off Waking me again __________________________________________________________________

Morning Practice

With mat stretched out flat Heart reaches up to the sky Yoga on the porch





The weight feels heavy This managing of a home I am all grown up





This bed has been full With at least one child for years Now it feels so big _____________________________________________________________




Train lumbering by River reflecting the sky West Virginia dawn



Maplewood Morning in Summer

Brilliant sky clear blue Rustling breeze stirring the air Swim lessons commence _________________________________________________________________




Two lovely travelers Moved over to the beyond Separate lives Same name


Breathing is Easy at the Beach

The roll of the sea Pastel paintings in the sky Feels like coming home




Reflect release breathe Gathering inward focus Making space for grace



Scary Stuff

I learned long ago That fear, real or imagined Can feel the same way




Perfection is reached Sugar butter flour and salt Baked to golden brown



Midweek Surrender

Late again today But Wednesdays are different There is no yelling





If you feel inspired, please share your images or poems with me! I'd love to see & hear your captured moments.

With Gratitude,
